Friday 11 January 2013

Cuckoldrix Awakening


cuck·old·rix noun, \ˈkə-kəld-rx, -(ˌ)kōld\rx

Definition of CUCKOLDRIX:
A strong and sexually powerful married woman who exerts her dominance over her husband by openly cheating on him with other, usually more well-endowed alpha males.

a·wak·en·ing  noun  \ə-ˈwā-kən\

Definition of AWAKENING:
An act or moment of becoming suddenly aware of something, the beginning or rousing of something: the war came as a rude awakening to the hardships of life, her sexual awakening.
adjective  coming into existence or awareness: his awakening desire, an awakening conscience. 

Cuckoldry is as old as marriage. While exceptions certainly exist, cuckolds are generally not made in a vacuum. Unpremeditated passion does produce cuckolds, true. But more often, multiple reasons play in a wife's cuckolding of her husband. Those reasons can differ as much as women themselves. But in the end, she passes through a journey in which what was once 'unthinkable' becomes thinkable, then desirable, later plausible and then tempting. Desire smoulders and at length, bursts into flame. She is consumed with seemingly irresistible need that refuses to be ignored, that will not relent and that demands resolution. She will feel that she must act upon her desire.

Along the journey from unthinkable to necessity, some women happily have people in whom they can safely confide. The freedom to express emotions and feelings help her better understand her need. The opportunity to raise questions, to find a sounding-board in others can be a gift.

But other women do not have such a luxury. Reputation, family relations, careers and the need to provide for the future are life issues! A wife may wish to reflect on her feelings, but have no one with whom to raise or discuss such things SAFELY.

Cuckoldrix Awakening allows wives and girlfriends to explore their feelings through anonymous, safe and supportive discussion.

How or to what degree outlooks on cuckoldry have changed is debatable. But attitudes toward marriage are changing. Some day, wives may be able to discuss circumstances more openly. But for many, that day is not yet here. Cuckoldrix Awakening wants to foster that discussion now.

Submissions are welcome but will be subject to approval. The sensitive and very human nature of this subject clearly requires careful moderation. Abusive language and attacks will not be posted here. And whatever decisions and life choices wives make, they will be supported and respected at Cuckoldrix Awakening. You are invited to forward your submission for publication by emailing Cuckoldrix Awakening at .

Cuckoldrix Awakening reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity and evocative power. In that process, sincere effort will be made to retain original meaning as much as possible.