Sunday 31 May 2015

Wet Panties

Rougedmount's artistry requires no justification. Read it and enjoy!

Soft white creamy full thighs draw your eye
The contrast of black panties inciting your arousal
You want to bite them, kiss them, lick them
You want to squeeze them and raise gooseflesh
Hands aching to touch the fullness of my body
With a heavy masculine hand and gentle touch
You can barely see my secret female flesh
The softened seam and fullness of lips
Through the gauzy not quite sheer fabric
Can you imagine what my sex feels like?
Through the inconvenient silk over my sweetness
The full press of your palm, your fingers
And finally your mouth as you press lips there
You can feel the heat burn through the barrier
You can see the wetness start to seep through
Deep drawn breath draws my lascivious scent
Your lungs and mind bursting with my aroma
Imagine hooking the smooth elastic band
With the tip of your finger to expose me
Your carnal mood makes your cock jump
As the tingling engorgement swells your flesh
Decisions to tear the panties off completely
Discard them carelessly and take your bounty
Or to tease yourself by slowly peeling them
Down my thighs to tangle around ankles
Your imagination runs rampant with possibilities
Will I arch toward your mouth and hands?
Will I passively comply with your wanted attention?
Can you illicit my delighted sighs or make me beg?
Will you hear my guttural sensual commands
As I verbally direct you to service my needs?
If I denied you the access you desperately wanted
Behind the shimmering veil of my wet panties
How long would it take you to actually remove them?

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Discussing Large Endowment with a Beautiful Stranger

Today, I bought a flash drive. When I asked the cashier to retrieve the device, she waited a moment for me to lead her. When I didn’t move, she realized I hadn’t yet seen them. An extraordinarily beautiful, African-American woman, she handed me a perfect opening for discussing fascinating things. Of course I took it. Her part of the dialogue is indicated by PC [Pretty Cashier]

PC: Oh – you haven’t found them yet [leading me] … well let’s see … we keep them in different places actually.

Me: You DO? ... Well I will not ask in what places you keep them …

PC: Stops in front of a display and chuckles lightly [humorous reply is always good] ... OK so we have this small one which holds only 8 gigs. Then those ones hold 16 gigs and sell for $15. And this is our biggest one. This is a 32 gig drive and it sells for $25.

I had to ask ...

Me: Do you like the big ones?

PC: Lowers her head slightly, looks straight ahead, her lips purse slightly, and the muscles around her gorgeous face tighten sightly as she suppresses the temptation to giggle.

Me: I feign being nonplused … What ……………..? I just asked if you like the big ones ...

Deliberately, I gave her a good long moment to let her hang herself with MORE reaction that she could retract or deny. Her gorgeous lips stay tightly pursed.

Me: Oh REALLY now! Is that what you're thinking? [Pretending only then to ‘figure it out’].

PC: Lips broaden into wide smile ...

Me: Well at least we both know ... what we're discussing ...

PC: Head rolls toward me slightly and wobbles a little ... well ... it's ...

Me: Let me guess– you’ve never handled that much data before ...?

PC: She looks away, but is clearly enjoying the double entendre. She looks my way.

Me: So does your boyfriend know that you think about such things?

PC: No … I don’t  ...

Me: But obviously, you've got your own opinion on these matters ...

PC: Smiling broadly, teeth showing

Me: And clearly, you've thought SOMETHING about it ...

She seems to become vulnerable and ready to share more when a coworker, another very pretty young woman, arrives. I don't know their relationship. My first priority is to avoid any potential embarrassment of my new friend. Basically, I end discussion there.

Me to coworker: She may or may not tell you about this discussion. I'll support her decision either way.

Me to PC: 'Thank you for helping me pick out the better flash drive...'

PC: 'Well that one does have more inches ...'

Isn't it curious how images and ideas work in our mind?

Me to PC: '...Inches?

PC: I mean ...

I saw a beautiful and knowing smile as the import of what she said dawned on her...

Me to PC: Let me just say that this has been a joy. Your openness to discussing this is wonderfully refreshing, and wherever you decide to go, I would affirm you in it completely...

Pressed for time, I couldn’t bring the coworker into the discussion. And I had no chance to ‘test the waters’ to see how she might react. Disappointing as it was, I ended discussion there. Had circumstances been different, I would have pursued several lines of inquiry:

1] You’re wonderfully open … we just met and you obviously enjoy discussing this … yet you don’t discuss with your boyfriend. Why is that? Isn’t it a bit odd or sad … I mean, shouldn’t you be able to?

2] I think that if he truly cares for a young woman and puts her first, he will make it safe for her to share absolutely anything she wants or needs to share with him… wouldn’t you agree that is the ideal?

3] Did you know that even if not supportive, many men are at least open to their woman trying a ‘big drive?’ And that women who know why this is so can often coax/wheedle their men into agreeing to it?

4] Did you know that some men actually want this for their woman, and that absolutely nothing on the planet is as uncontrollably hot to them as his wife or girl taking another, usually well-endowed, man?

5] Many people do find these things quite fascinating. And they certainly pique your interest. Can you look in my eyes and say with total honesty that this hasn’t made you even a teeeeeny bit wet?

I thanked her for her help and said that she totally convinced me which was the way to go … I took the big flash drive and left with it -- and the memory of her big smile.

Would you like to have had this conversation? Have you had similar conversations? Would you like to be able to have this discussion with your wife? Or, would you like for another man or woman to have this conversation with your girlfriend or wife? What do you think?

Monday 25 May 2015

Desperate with Desire, Tormented by Timidity!

For husbands with secret, cuckold desire based on their diminutive penis, sexual honesty requires admitting three truths.

1] Your reluctance to tell your wife of your desire symbolizes DEEP insecurities.

2] Your wife’s discovery of your cuckold desire would be a HUGE relief for you!

Fearful Insecurity ... HUGE Relief. Fearful Insecurity ... HUGE Relief.

You NEED to Tell Her

Deep down, many small husbands want and need to come clean and level with their wives about this cuckold need. As one small husband said:

‘I'm 42 and married. My wife has never discussed penis size with me but I'd love to (we'd have to be pretty wasted).

She has no idea that I'm the guy hugging the porcelain in public restrooms because my size is "la puny mushroom."

Do I look? Of course! And every so often, I'm shamed, exhilarated, validated-WHATEVER- by a glimpse of much more than I'll ever have.

What would my wife think or say if she knew that I peek compulsively and am insecure? I wonder. I’m thinking of telling her (a bit at a time) to get her reactions and comments.  Any suggestions on how to do it?’

Yes. But for now, read what another guy said when asked... “would you dare to show your wife internet pix of guys in the ‘wonder of nature’ class, and see where that leads?”

His reply?
‘The thought turns me on now but my wife has never seen or touched another cock but mine; what if she really got curious after seeing pics of ones bigger than me? Plus she might tease me afterwards. I would like to somehow maybe get her to see a few pics though just out of curiosity.'
See how boys with tiny toys talk?
In just a few lines, we get…

She has no idea...
We’ve never talked about it...
The thought turns me on but…
What if she really got curious...
Shamed, exhilarated, validated...
I would like to somehow maybe...
What if she teased me afterwards...
Any suggestions on how to tell her…
I want her reactions and comments...
Pix...just a see her reaction…
Never talked about…but I’d love to…
I compulsively peak and am insecure...
I’m thinking of telling her–a bit at a time...

Sense a little insecurity here? 
Compulsive fascination? 

Many small-endowed men are consumed by fantasies of being cuckolded.
They fantasize of their wife with a man who has a truly man-sized penis.

He DREADS Your Discovery!

Many small husbands want desperately to explain this issue their wife.
But they're also terrified at her potential reaction!

What if she teases me–-isn’t that just like a little boy!
What if she saw a real man and “got really curious?”

Well so what if she "got really curious?" 

Small men certainly respond to this! And it's not by decision or choice. It's extremely and inescapably erotic. It's a reaction. It is completely compulsory and he is utterly helpless to 'turn it off.'

If it's fine for Mr. Little, why not Mrs. Little? Why can't she at least be aware of it? Why the hypocrisy? Why the double standard?

'Oh but if she knew how men are, what other men are like, how could I compete?'

That's the kicker.

And it brings us to a number of issues. Why? Having a small penis does weird things to men. They're listed here for all wives to read.
  • A small penis makes many men feel deeply and shamefully unmanly.
  • A small penis makes many men keenly aware of their sexual limitations. 
  • A small penis makes many men feel awed by very well-endowed men.
  • A small penis makes many men highly susceptible to cuckold fantasies.
  • A small penis makes many men extremely aroused by potential cuckolding.
  • A small penis makes many men's sexual honesty impossibly difficult.
  • A small penis makes many men vulnerable to his wife's sexual direction.
Note well -- a small penis MAKES under-endowed men feel these things.

In so many cases, they simply can't help it. They're powerless NOT to react those ways; it's like their diminutive size programs them for it!

Most husbands act decisively if some man makes overtures toward his wife.But if a wife is approached by a virile man that he knows is very well-endowed, a really small husband' may be unable to intervene and stop his own cuckolding. At the very least, his ability to 'protect his interests' may be very seriously sabotaged. 

There are several possible reasons for this.

1] He may be so overwhelmed by feelings of submissiveness that he can't mount any real or effective resistance.

2] He may fear provoking a sexual contest that he can only lose. He may fear being 'outed' if he tries to stop her seduction. The stud may say, 'my dick is thicker than your hubby's wrist!' As shame and inferiority multiplies, the stud explains hubby's cuckold desires and penis size issues to his wife. He points to his tiny erection and uses this to educate and seduce his wife. Non-resistance may be hubby's 'safest' route.

3] To his own, astonished horror, he may be so profoundly aroused by it that as to be paralyzed into inaction. He is powerless to compete and helpless to stop it!

And just knowing these things can be VERY empowering to wives of under-endowed men.

Stuck Between Insecurity and Relief

Men with tiny sex organs are hyper-aware of their sexual limitations. Closely related is their complete lack of courage to discuss these things with his wife. At the same time, that despised timidity confirms their own sense of a lack of manliness.

This leads to an intriguing question. It's one that meagerly-endowed husbands ought to consider. This is unless you're the wife, and then maybe YOU should ask it: 

With which is it easier to live:
  • Fearful insecurity with no escape OR
  • Risk with a potential for HUGE relief?
Tiny husbands often want desperately to share their feelings with they woman love. But they are terrified to start that conversation!

Typically, such guys not only NEED this discussion, they deeply BELIEVE all these things. But he fears his wife may take real offense at his feelings. He fears she won't take this seriously. And he fears that she will take it very seriously.

Under-endowed men know that their small penis issues translate into immense, sexual power for wives IF they understand the issues. Whether or not wives use this knowledge, just knowing it gives wives enormous sexual power. That puts small men in a powerful, erotic bind.

On one hand, he craves for his wife to be a sexually powerful woman. That arouses him supremely! But he is also terrified that she'll put her new-found discoveries to the test! Yet her exploring his issues will arouse him even more! And that flaming arousal in turn predisposes him to ACCEPT her continued exploration of his small penis issues!

The combination of fear and burning desire is extremely erotic for under-endowed men. This circle of fear and arousal confirms everything he believes about his own inadequacy. That makes his beliefs even more compelling and real! The husband with a childishly small penis is caught in multiple submissive and erotic binds from which there is no escape. 

He can't give women what well-endowed men do because he doesn't have it to give. He believes it's natural and almost inevitable that well-endowed men pair with powerful, sexually aggressive women. Yet the idea of a powerful, sexually aggressive wife enthralls him. No matter what he does, he can't shake these feelings and dynamics. 

He desires desperately to discuss this. But timidity cows him into silence. He craves it, yet recoils from it. It's tormenting and very unmanly. And astonishingly, it's due entirely to his having a tiny penis.

Wouldn’t honesty be easier?

Wouldn't honesty be better?

Why not get this into the open and be done with it? 

And really, shouldn’t wives know? Most know or suspect anyway.

It's Time to Act

Why prolong this with the "thousand hints" path? Isn't this "official secret" a heavy burden? Why agonize endlessly over a little penis?

Men loathe compulsive insecurity. The only manly way forward is to move from fearful insecurity to disclosure. And that would be a HUGE relief. Small men must face this hurdle to mature in their manhood. There IS no other way forward.

This brings us to the third truth required of little guys with secret, cuckold desires.

3. Honesty means being man enough to tell her about your cuckold fantasy!

Touch any nerves? Do you know that should read this? Suppose your wife discovered this page. Would you find this a little unsettling? Would you be aroused by it? Imagine finding this on the computer screen and her asking your thoughts on it. Imagine getting an instant erection, and her asking you to explain what that meant.

Again, suppose that a man who finds your attractive wife attractive reads this blog. Why wouldn't he email her the link to this page? Or perhaps you WISH someone would send her that link, because you HAVE to discuss this -- but jam EVERY time you try to raise it.

In the end, there is this about the 'small penis as an official secret:'
  • Staying where you are isn't manly.
  • It disgusts you, and rightly so.
  • Chances are, she'll be better with it than you.
  • You ache for this HUGE relief.

So what is your next move? Why not post a reply?