Wednesday 29 May 2019

Loneliness and the Small Penis

Bringing Your Wife into the Discussion:

True loneliness is more than lack of socialization. It is being unable to share your secrets.

Some time ago, one man posted this on the internet.

'I'm 42 and my wife has never discussed penis size with me. I'd love to (but I’d need us both to be pretty wasted). She has no idea that I'm the guy hugging the porcelain in public restrooms because my size is la puny mushroom. Do I look? Of course! And every so often, I'm shamed, exhilarated, validated-WHATEVER- by a glimpse of much more than I'll ever have.'

'What would my wife think or say if she knew that I peek compulsively and am insecure? I wonder. I’m thinking of telling her (a bit at a time) to get her reactions and comments.  But how can I even begin to do this?'

Another husband facing bedroom performance issues elsewhere posted that his wife routinely hears from girlfriends how much they loved sex. But she didn't see the point of the fuss. Instead, he kept hearing ‘you’re soft’ and ‘you’re not in me’ when he was in very firm and inside her.

This husband was asked point blank: ‘have you told her, “it’s likely my small penis.”’

Guess what! He hadn’t. He was then asked this:
“Would you dare to show your wife internet pix of guys in the "wonder of nature" class, and see where that leads?"
 This was his reply:
'The thought turns me on now but my wife has never seen or touched another cock but mine; what if she really got curious after seeing pics of ones bigger than me? Plus she might tease me afterwards. I would like to somehow maybe get her to see a few pics though just out of curiosity.'
 See how little guys talk? Putting those two posts together, we get In just a few lines …

She has no idea...
We’ve never talked about it...
The thought turns me on but…
What if she really got curious...
Shamed, exhilarated, validated...
I would like to somehow maybe...
What if she teased me afterwards...
Any suggestions on how to tell her…
I want her reactions and comments...
Pix...just a see her reaction…
Never talked about…but I’d love to…
I compulsively peek and am insecure...
I’m thinking of telling her–a bit at a time...
I wonder what she’d say/think if she knew...

Insecurity, compulsive fascination and anguish! These husbands -- like many under-endowed men -- are consumed by fantasies of their wives with truly man-sized penises!

They want desperately to discuss this with her, but they are terrified at her potential reaction! But what if she teases me–isn’t that just like a little boy! If she knew what men are like, how could he compete? What if she saw a real man and “got really curious?”

But why shouldn’t their wives be on-board with the discussion? It’s a legitimate turn-on for both of these husbands. Yet they’re terrified to include their wives in it. What hypocrisy!

There’s more.

If a small penis leaves your wife frustrated, these are truly lousy reasons for keeping her in the dark about the likely cause. Any man willing to let his wife’s sex life run substandard just to hide his tiny tool needs to start respecting her!That means facing the issue and having the discussion.

These husbands reveal what many small-endowed men desire. Deep down, they need and long to come clean and level with their wives about their “little” secret.

After all – nothing is lonelier than being unable to share your secrets.

Are you man enough to do it? How manly is it to accept a life of loneliness just to hide a tiny penis?

If you are a wife, are you waiting for this discussion? Would you support your husband to do this?

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