Thursday 7 May 2015

Men who Want their Wives to Experience Well-Endowed Men, One Woman's Perspective

Yesterday's repost from 'Hottie' and Steve now defunct LSP blog brought heavy responses. One was a reply from 'rougedmount.' She is remarkable for many reasons. Among these are a quick mind, brilliant pen, and a refusal to compromise truth as she sees it.

Rougedmount is always refreshing.

Sadly, rougedmount answers this not from the perspective of her husband, but explains rather why some husbands would want this for their wife. That said, she makes her case with remarkable force. 

Readers are welcome to submit comments on insights and experiences for inclusion on this page. No personal attacks are permitted. This is a safe place.

Why does my husband want me to have “big cock sex?”

How about because he isn't a sexually selfish asshole who actually puts her sexual needs above his own need to claim sexual ownership of another person?

Why does my husband want me to have “big cock sex?”

How about because he is sexually aroused from the idea of it…insert for whatever freaking reason you want “here”.

Why does my husband want me to have “big cock sex?”

Because he values a healthy communication and physical relationship with a partner instead of hiding his true desires behind a façade of anger and resentment that he wears like a chastity belt inside the marriage bed?

It’s like saying, “Why does my husband want me to have sex with another woman?”
Well, no matter how much a man may want this, it’s not going to happen unless the WOMAN wants it. “Why does my husband want me to wear lingerie and stockings?” A woman won’t do it if it makes her feel like a whore, no matter how much her spouse may want it.
Why does my husband want me to have “big cock sex?”
How about because she fucking DESERVES to be happy in one teeny tiny aspect of her life when she sacrifices every. Single. Fucking. Thing. to make sure the entire family unit functions and his career succeeds and the bills are paid on time and the dog is walked and he has clean socks.
Why does my husband want me to have “big cock sex?”
Because it’s as different as having sex with a woman or masturbation…it’s just what it is! Nothing more, nothing less.
Sorry for the bit of a rant but I am suffering from severe sexual deprivation…but some men might notice that after 10-15-20 years of marriage, their wives “may” not be sexually satisfied and finally seek a solution for it while still staying married, and so they want her to have “big cock sex”.

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